And this is how I see! Lekcja Angielskiego w Szkole Żagle English lesson in Żagle School


And this is how I see!

  • What is your general reflection on the lesson? The teacher was doing good strategies to motivate  the students, it keeps the attention from most of the children.
  • What do you think are the strong sides of the lesson?  I think, how the teacher is naturally asking  the children to ask or say the things with structure.
  • What could have been done better? perhaps, the way the teacher is keeping the discipline in terms of asking the children to be quiet. He could may wait until everyone is in silence instead of using a big shhhh and attending everyones needs, not just the participating ones.
  • How does the teacher use visual aids?  he does it in a good way, but I think, very fast, he could make it slower, I like the way he use the question, what's missing?, perhaps at the first part he could let them just talk instead of making them repeat everything, especially because it seams to be a regular activity.
  • What error correction strategies does the teacher apply? I think he wasn't doing any stops to catch the concepts, everything was very fast and he didn't stop to reinforce de kids participation.


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