
Showing posts from December, 2023

And this is how I see! MSP 6 Knurów-język angielski w zerówce HD

Highlighting the positive aspects of the class, the teacher used different resources related to the topic of fruits that kept the children entertained. Personally I considered that the topic was very simple not to be taught in English, but she decided to take the instructions and almost all the lesson in polish language, their L1. In reality it seemed more like a Polish class than an English class.  I must point out that they used their senses and worked on the vocabulary they already knew, however it became very repetitive at the end. I trust that the teacher felt intimidated by the camera, that she had a structure and planning to carry out all the activities. On the other hand, I would have handled the situation from a different perspective. Through modeling and repeating the English words she would have given them the instructions for the exercises and she would not have asked them what color the fruit was if they were not seeing it.  At first, I would have introduced fruit vocabula

And this is how I see! Lekcja języka angielskiego - Tarnowo

  Lekcja języka angielskiego - Tarnowo  What is your general reflection on the lesson? In general the lesson is good, there are a lots of things that I would do differently. To begin with, you can see that the teacher prepared for this event, she seems safe and confident, but everything seems very forced, from the way the class is structured, the use of flashcards and techniques makes me think that she uses all the techniques that I knew work or that I had already practiced before, but the dynamics seem boring and somewhat simplistic. No dialogue or creativity is allowed, only memorization and repetition. I think the class was a mix of everything but I couldn't get the aim of it.  What do you think about the warmup used by the teacher? Warm up,  It seems like a good way to use motor skills to relate concepts and learn them, but at the same time it makes it difficult to practice the language. For the first few minutes she presented flashcards and did activities that did not enco