Micro-teaching: learning to share

Grade: 0

Date: 20.02.24

Time: 14:00 - 14:25


By the end of this lesson the students will identify the importance of sharing and how they can apply it in the classroom.

Materials Needed:

  • Picture book about sharing "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfiste
  • Visual aids (pictures, drawings) illustrating sharing situations. Youtube video Sharing is caring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlOHir-_x6Y
  • Small snack treat
  • Whiteboard
  • Markers

Duration: Approximately 20-25 minutes

Introduction (8 minutes):

I gather the students in a circle on the floor. At the beginning I asked students questions related to their understanding of sharing. For example, "What does it mean to share?" or "Why is sharing important?"The concept of sharing was introduced by reading a picture book about, named "The Rainbow Fish."

As a group we discuss the story and ask students to identify moments when characters are shared with each other and how they might feel. Emphasize how sharing made the characters feel happy and included. During the reading time, predictions of the text were asked.

Main Activity (15 minutes):

I showed visual aids, videos, illustrating different sharing situations, such as sharing toys, sharing snacks, or sharing classroom materials. During the watching time we discuss each situation, asking questions like, "How do you think the characters are feeling?" or "What could they do to share?" students were encourage to brainstorm ideas for sharing in each situation.

I explained that each student will have the opportunity to take one snack from the table to share with a friend. I monitored the sharing activity, providing support and guidance as needed to ensure that students are sharing fairly and respectfully.

Assessment (3 minutes): 

For closure, the children were asked to reflect on the sharing activity. They were ask, how the activity experience on sharing made you feel. The importances of sharing was reinforced by creating a caring and inclusive classroom community. It's important to encourage students to continue practicing sharing both inside and outside the classroom.


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