Micro-teaching lesson: Helping others

Grade: 1st

Date: 26.05.24

Time: 14:00 - 14:45

Helping others


By the end of this lesson the students will be able to identify the importance of helping others and how to apply in their school context and family. The students will be able to remember vocabulary related to school items, how to answer to the question where using prepositions (in, on, next, under).

Materials Needed:

  • Text type: A play script (the first day) story. 
  • Visual flashcards of the vocabulary with names (school items, prepositions and "where") and story pictures. 
  • Worksheet with 4 sentences to complete. 

Duration: Approximately 45 minutes

Introduction, warm up (10 minutes):

Prior Knowledge was activated by asking asking where are the school items, using prepositions. focused on the words related to the school and answer to the question, where? using the prepositions in, on, under and next to. after, the bag pack was packed, every time telling "we need to take a pencil to the school that's the rule".

The k-words of the lesson were presented with pictures of the story to be worked,  and then the students were asked, what can they see?, predictions were made, what do you think the story is about? They realize when someone needed help and what is a rule, take and oh yes expression.

Pre teach, asking can I help you? yes, please or not thank you.

After, the concept was introduced with a video in which we could see the action of "helping others" and then we discussed how the people in the video felt when they helped and when someone did not help them. This was followed by questions about how we can help others and how they help their families, to test prior knowledge and create a meaningful context. 

Main Activity (15 minutes):

As the main activity, I read the story of "The first day", at that time a lot of predictions were ask, and asked what school items can they see and where are they and what are they doing?. activity check was carried answer yes or not. Then the story was listened to a second time now with the sounds of each character. Then a role play was performed where in groups of two, they went to the front to interpret a part of the script where they used the structure previously worked on, where prepositions and vocabulary related to the school.

Assessment (5 minutes): 

To finish, a four sentence exercise related to the reading practice will be carried out, where they will write the name of the items related to school. To check the activity I made some statements related to the sentences where they needed to answer yes or no. 

E.g. Do you need to take a pencil to school? Do you need to take a plane to school?

After, the rhyme was read at loud, emphasizing in the school rules.

At the end, the students were ask to say what have they learned.


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