DATES: 30.01.24 - 01.02.24


Class with 16 students, that day they were 15 students.

Aims of the lesson: the student will recognize vocabulary related with a happy birthday and how to use possessives. 

Topic of the lesson:  "toys vocabulary 

Course book: Power up 1, Cambridge.

The teacher use the book, but not following as it says, he modify the lessons to make it more meaningful.

The students feel about the book: most of them are fine with doing the activities, some of them don't like it because they don't like to write.

The teacher use other resources to reinforce the book materials. Create new material related to the subjects or related with the calendar and festivities. The teacher use a lot visual aids, including, videos, pictures, computer and visual games.

Warm up: 

The teacher play a video about a "happy birthday" to call the attention of the children and ask them what they know about a birthday party and what do they like about. Right after plays a guess game on the white board related to the vocabulary to be learned, creating suspense and finishes asking what do you think we are learning today, the students answered; toys!.

Some of them had prior knowledge about toys, but not all. Then it was the time to introduce the vocabulary, the profesor used at first some gestures and sounds and finally showing a picture of the toy, after that, he asked, how do you say this toy in polish, can you teach me?, the students were happy to teach their teacher a word in polish, the same with all the vocabulary. It took around 10 minutes.

The lesson stared with the teacher showing a video song/story about the vocabulary, eventually they children were engaged, after singing 2 times, in the 3er time, the teacher stop the song and ask them what's next, they were answering positively. After,  the students were ask some question that they were answering with true or false related to the story, and summarizing. It took around 10 minutos.

To finished, the teachers ask the students to talk about their birthdays, what toy would they like to have in their next birthday party, and encourage them to tell something else even if the toy wasn't in the vocabulary, allowing telling and polish to try to translated, after a small conversation the teacher ask to draw wha they want in a small white paper that he provided. It took 5 minutes.

In my opinion, some times there's no need to have a lot of materials, sometimes less is more, since a piece of paper. in the other hand I consider very important the use of the technology and the resources that already are available, that could help to save time, just don't forget to adjust it to your own objetives, and direction of the lesson, Don't do think just because, there should be always a reason for.


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