Micro-teaching: learning to share

Grade: 0 Date: 20.02.24 Time: 14:00 - 14:25 Objective: By the end of this lesson the students will identify the importance of sharing and how they can apply it in the classroom. Materials Needed: Picture book about sharing "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfiste Visual aids (pictures, drawings) illustrating sharing situations. Youtube video Sharing is caring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlOHir-_x6Y Small snack treat Whiteboard Markers Duration: Approximately 20-25 minutes Introduction (8 minutes): I gather the students in a circle on the floor. At the beginning I asked students questions related to their understanding of sharing. For example, "What does it mean to share?" or "Why is sharing important?" The concept of sharing was introduced by reading a picture book about, named "The Rainbow Fish." As a group we discuss the story and ask students to identify moments when characters are shared with each other and how they might feel. Emphasize how ...